Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Installation Instructions for Linux Systems Of Qt

Download Qt Libraries 4.6 for Linux/X11 or Mac.
On Linux: at the command line,

type: chmod u+x qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2009.05.bin./qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2009.05.bin

to run the Setup wizard.

Step 1: Installing the License File (commercial editions only)

If you have the commercial edition of Qt for Embedded Linux, the first step is to install your license file as $HOME/.qt-license.

Step 2: Unpacking the Archive

First uncompress the archive in the preferred location, then unpack it:

gunzip qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.tar.gz
tar xf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.tar

Step 3: Building the Library

the Qt for Embedded Linux library, run the ./configure script to configure the library for your development architecture
./configure -embedded -help
Qt for Embedded Linux is configured for installation in the /usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.7 directory, but this can be changed by using the -prefix option. Alternatively, the -prefix-install option can be used to specify a "local" installation within the source directory. The configuration system is also designed to allow you to specify your platform architecture:
 cd  ~/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7
./configure -embedded [architecture]
To create the library and compile all the demos, examples, tools, and tutorials, type: make
you did not configure Qt for Embedded Linux using the -prefix-install option, you need to install
the library, demos, examples, tools, and tutorials in the appropriate place. To
do this, type:
 su -c "make install"

Step 4: Adjusting the Environment Variables

To set the PATH variable, add the following lines to your .profile file if your shell is bash, ksh, zsh or sh:
export PATH
In case your shell is csh or tcsh, add the following line to the .login file instead:
 setenv PATH /usr/local/Trolltech/QtEmbedded-4.7/bin:$PATH

Step 5: Building the Virtual Frame buffer

Qt for Embedded Linux provides a virtual frame buffer as well as the option of running Qt for Embedded Linux as a VNC server. For a description of how to install the virtual frame buffer and how to use the VNC protocol, please consult the documentation at:
·         The Virtual Frame buffer
·         The VNC Protocol and Qt for Embedded Linux
To test that the Linux frame buffer is set up correctly, use the program provided by the Testing the Linux Frame buffer document. That's all. Qt for Embedded Linux is now installed.
Installation with Eclipse.
1. Install Eclipse 3.3.2 or higher
2. Install Eclipse C/C++ CDT Plugin 4.0 or higher
3. Download the Qt Eclipse Integration package corresponding to your
   Linux distribution
4. Find your eclipse/plugins folder
   If you installed Eclipse to e.g. /usr/local in step (1.), you will
   find the directory /usr/local/eclipse/plugins there.
   If you used the package management system of your Linux distribution
   to install Eclipse, this directory might possibly be 
5. Unpack the package
   Go to the location where you found the eclipse/plugins directory
   (i.e. /usr/local or /usr/lib in the examples in step (4.) ) and
   untar the package, e.g.
   cd /usr/local
   tar xzf ~/Downloads/qt-eclipse-integration-linux.x86-.tar.gz
   You might need to be the root user to do that.
6. Start Eclipse with a clean configuration
   It is highly recommended by us to start Eclipse once from the
   command line with
   eclipse -clean
   after you unpacked the Qt Eclipse Integration plugins and feature.
   This will not change anything in your workspace but will clear
   Eclipse's caches.

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