Monday, February 21, 2011

what are the benefits of using php?

I also asked what are the benefits of using PHP when I started developing websites. This article is going to convince you on why PHP is the first choice if you're going to develop a website.

Cross Platform

You don't have to worry if PHP would run on a specific operating system because PHP can be run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, Solaris, as well as any variety of different platforms.


The profits for you will be huge because PHP is free! You can just download the code, use it in your business and make changes without worrying about licensing fees or anything.


Your website will be in top shape and will be able to perform at a high level. PHP has a very high benchmark when compared to any other languages.


PHP has many different functions that are already prepared for you to use. There are functions for handling database connections, formatting date, editing strings, handling emails, etc.


You can easily extend PHP if you have any specific functions that you would want to incorporate in your website.


PHP already runs on millions of servers around the world, which basically means that it's powerful enough for even the most demanding situations.

Easy to Debug

PHP has its own debugging system that will allow you to quickly spot errors in your development. There are also a number of free and commercial debuggers around to help you.


You're never left alone when developing with PHP. There are countless of free scripts and very good developers that will surely help in your development.


PHP is simply fun to use. The syntax rules are very loose and you can easily fix errors which will save you from a lot of headaches.

I hope you can clearly see the benefits that you will be getting with PHP. It's really easy to learn the language but I learned PHP the hard way. It took me an insane number of months before I became comfortable in using PHP in my websites. If you want to learn PHP in less than 20 hours.

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