Monday, February 28, 2011

check if an object has been instantiated in php?

You have to check a variable to see whether it contains an object of the
right type

Dim X as clsContract

If X is nothing then
MessageBox.Show("There is No Object here")
X = New clsContract

If Not (X is nothing) then
MessageBox.Show("There is an Object here")

However the variable you test can be a shared variable within the class.
This is an example of the 'singleton' pattern.

Public Class clsContract
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Private Shared mSingleton as clsClass
Public Shared Function GetSingleton as clsContract
If mSingleton is nothing then
mSingleton = New clsContract
return mSingleton
End function
Public Shared function Exists() as boolean
return not (mSingleton is nothing)
End function
End Class

Your button code might then use this
Dim x as clsContract = clsContract.GetSingleton()

This may or may not be what you mean.