Saturday, February 5, 2011

SAP Front end installation guide


Microsoft ActiveX controls are used in the SAP GUI for the Windows environment which is used only by Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. The SAP GUI for the JAVA environment is also available for these Windows platforms.

Benefits as of 6.20

The installation process has the following new features:
·         The new installation software has a new user interface with wizards to make the
               installation process easier.
·         Services for local security handling are easy to configure.
·         Configuration of the installation can be started from the Windows Control Panel.
·         Updating the installation is easier. Installed components are updated without needing to
              be selected.
  • The installation is faster and more stable. One reason for this is offline registration of
  • Components can be added or removed after the installation has been completed.
  • There is no need to reboot for Windows 2000 and XP. For Windows 98 and NT 4.0, a
              reboot is only required if Microsoft files need to be updated. This would only occur at the
             start of the installation process.

operating system requirements.
Server-based installation is very flexible, and offers the following options for installing SAP
GUI for Windows:
  • without user interaction (unattended)
  • with user interaction (attended)
  • automatically when a user in the Workplace chooses an appropriate entry in the
Launchpad .

The SAP GUI for Windows deployment scenarios are :

  • Server-based local installation. All the installation files are copied from the server to the
             client during installation.
  • Server-based server-dependent installation. Most binary files reside on the server.
  • Installation in mySAP Workplace. This is like the server-based server-dependent
             installation. The GUI is installed when required from within the Workplace.
  • CD-based local installation. This is mainly for testing purposes or for stand-alone
             computers. The administrator takes the installation CD from PC to PC.

Server-Based Installation

server-based installation when several workstations or more are involved. The installation process is easy to do. Server-based installation is flexible and makes maintenance easier, for example when patches are to be applied.

The hard disk requirement on the installation server is approximately 380 MB.

The three different types of server-based installation (local, server dependent, and server
dependent via mySAP Workplace) have different advantages and are described

Server-Based Local Installation
This has  several advantages:
·        Provides best performance and reliability (after installation, no fileserver has to be up).
·        Makes the client independent of the installation server.
·        Runs faster because files are not loaded from the network.
As administrator, you can configure your own installation packages with SAPAdmin on the
installation server or use the pre-configured packages provided by SAP.

You apply patches on the installation server and call SAPSetup on your client again to apply
the patch on the client. The logon script is a program that is executed when you log on.

Server-Based Server-Dependent Installation
server-based server-dependent installation, all the installation files, except System
DLLs, remain on the server. The installation is also much faster.

Server-dependent installation dramatically reduces maintenance: if the logon script contains
the appropriate commands, patches need only be applied on the server for the clients to
benefit from them automatically.

A high performance LAN is desirable, as is load balancing and high availability of the

A disadvantage of this installation method is that greater network bandwidth is required
because everything has to be passed via the network.

Server-Based Server-Dependent Installation via mySAP Workplace

This is like server-based server-dependent installation but there are no prerequisites for the
client except for Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher. In the Workplace, the Windows GUI can be
installed on demand. This means that when a transaction is selected that requires a Windows
GUI, one is automatically installed.

Local Installation from CD
Local installation from CD is useful for installing the SAP GUI on single machines. that are not connected to a Local Area Network (LAN). It can also be useful for test purposes.

Local installation from CD has disadvantages. No deployment scenarios are available. When
patches need to be applied, each workstation gets patched separately.

Installing the Front-End Components

all hardware and software requirements for the front-end workstations have been met. If you do not have access to SAPNet, use the fax request form included in the software package.

Remarks on Installation
You can always use a later SAP GUI version with an earlier or identical R/3 Release. From Release 4.x, the SAP front end for 32-bit Windows platforms uses Microsoft controls

This means that a computer can contain only one version of the 4.x 32 bit GUI. During
installation, any GUI of 4.5A or later is automatically uninstalled. You can have a 3.x (16 or 32 bit) GUI on the same machine as a 4.x 32 bit GUI.

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